Application method
Please select the job you are interested in from the available job types, check the details of each job type, and then submit your resume (with a photo attached and specifying the desired job type) and work history (free format, please fill in as much detail as possible). Please send it to the following address. After document screening, we will inform you of the interview date and other details.
Confidentiality of application.
We will discuss the date of the interview and the date of joining the company.
Application documents will be properly processed (storage, discarded, returned) after the selection test is completed.
〒103-0023 4-15-11 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Ichibashi Building 6F
EvangTech Co., Ltd. Recruitment Training Department Recruitment Manager
Application Requirements
Employment status:Regular employee, contract employee
Work Location: Selfcompany, customer
Working hours: 10:00-19:00 (*According to customer)
Salary: experience, skills, etc.Considering this, we will give preferential treatment according to our regulations.
Holidays/vacations: 2 days off per week (Saturdays and Sundays), public holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, summer vacation, congratulatory and condolence leave, paid vacation
Welfare: Join Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association
Others: No retirement system
Recruitment type
playing manager
job description:
Confirm customer requirements by yourself, design and develop information systems by leading a design and development team of several people, and promote projects
Those who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 level or higher (if the native language is not Japanese)
Experienced project leader (manager)
5 years or more of information system development experience
5 years or more experience in either JAVA, C/C++, or C#
Any age, but university graduates or above
development engineer
job description:
Design and development of information systems
Those who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 level or higher (if the native language is not Japanese)
JAVA, C/C++, C#any experience of3 years or older
Any age, but university graduates or above
Recruitment inquiry
For inquiries, please contact us using the form below.
If you are in a hurry, please call us.